About the Artist

Wood Turning and Carving

Frank Lotito has been working with wood for more than four decades—as a wooden boat captain, carpenter, and artist, here in Rhode Island. The skills he acquired as a shipwright have informed how he approaches his art. He has created lathe-turned and carved wood pieces using local wood when possible, even sections of a tall ship’s mast. Frank has also turned wood for property owners, creating mementos from once cherished trees. He designed and built his own lathe and cutting tools to handle heavy logs, some weighing in excess of two hundred pounds.

In addition to his lathe work, Frank has built dozens of half-hull boat models that are both artistic and precise representations of ships from the past and present. He has also made and repaired full ship models.

Frank’s current work focuses on using the disappearing specimen trees of the Gilded Age in Newport, Rhode Island. He has worked with the Newport Tree Conservancy and local arborists to this end. This is his way of honoring and preserving these great trees.

To read more about Frank’s work and career, click here.

Fresh log


Mounting a piece on the lathe

Taking shape

European Beech on the lathe



Live Oak burl

Cypress bowl

Sycamore bowl

Carving a Cedar burl

Newport Tree Conservancy event

Newport Art Museum Annual Show
January 25th ~ April 26th 2020

Black Walnut logs